Monday, 14 December 2015

Java : Overriding and Overloading Concepts and Difference.

Hello friends, I know overloading/overriding are one of the famous OOB concepts that everyone knows JBut I feel more often people got confuse in this concepts.

Please go through the below diagram that will give you broad picture and lets understand point by point.


  • Overriding is runtime polymorphism
  • Happens in different class and Use in Inheritance : Overriding is concept that use in Inheritance where super class and sub class has same method name and same arguments
class Animal {
     public void myOverRiding ()
      System.out.println("This is animal overriding ");

class Horse extends Animal {
     public void myOverRiding ()
      System.out.println("This is horse overriding ");
  • Can we prevent overriding?
o   “Final” keyword can be prevent class to be inherited that means technically we are preventing overriding.
o   It will throw following compile time error.

  •  JVM decides what to do at run time: when you are calling any method with help of sub/super class object, JVM decides at run time that method of which class needs to be called
      public class UserAnimal {
     public static void main(String s[])
           Animal aniHrnew Horse(); //Line 4
   //In overriding it will call actual object class method.

class Animal {
     public void myOverRiding ()
           System.out.println("This is animal overriding ");
class Horse extends Animal {
public void myOverRiding ()
          System.out.println("This is horse overriding ");

                                In above example we have two classes Animal – Super class and Horse – Sub class which shares same method called myOverRiding() now in UserAnimal class we have created an object of Horse and reference of Animal (refer Line # 4) and we called myOverRiding() method with help of that object (aniHr) now question is, which class’s method myOverRiding() will be called ? Any guess?

     Answer, in overriding JVM runtime use actual object and in overloading JVM use reference (Animal) instead of actual object (Horse)

O/P:  This is horse overriding


  • Overloading is compile time polymorphism
  • Happens in same class only
  • Method can have same name and different arguments
   class Animal { 
   MyStuff() {  System.out.println("Hi Cow");  }
   MyStuff(int i) { System.out.println("Hi Dog");  }

  • Can we prevent override? Unlike override prevent with final keyword with class , java don’t have anything to prevent overload in class (unless you wish to not write same method name J )
  • JVM decides everything at compile time : which class method needs to be called that will decide at compile time (in overloading JVM use reference (Animal) instead of actual object (Horse))
  • If you try to write same method with same arguments it will throw compile time error.
Ex.  This is the similar example which I have explained above just o/p is different

public class UserAnimal {
     public void doStuff(Animal a)
           System.out.println("This is animal ");
     public void doStuff(Horse a)
           System.out.println("This is horse");
     public static void main(String s[])
           UserAnimal obj = new UserAnimal();
           Animal aniHrnew Horse();
       //In overloading it will call reference class method.
class Animal {
class Horse extends Animal {

O/P: This is animal

Hope this article would be value added and helpful, have a happy learning J

Sagar Vyas

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