Today, first time I started Liferay 7 in my machine so thought to share basic walk through with Liferay 7 portal, in this walk through I have covered different sections of Liferay 7, play with couple of component like Blogs, Page, Document and Media,Control Panel, Mobile preview etc , Enjoy video !!
What version I have used in this video ? It is Lifeay 7 Alpha-2 Community Version
Where to download ? Well, I got it from Liferay team in Liferay Symposium workshop but I am sure you will find all latest LR7 community version here.
New features in Liferay 7,
(Note : Trying to highlight as much as I know, there must be more than these for sure )
- Technically Liferay 7 has lot of new things like Micro services (Modularity)
- Means no more need of portlet.xml , liferay-portlet.xml etc
- Everything is decoupled
- Look and feel brand new (Please refer video)
- Change in site template
- Configuration of navigation
- Create content is more easy with alloy editors
- Different view facilities like List, Descriptive, Icon view.
- New localize language search
- Approval workflow subscription base on folders
- Geolocation content creation
- Blog experience is improved (Please refer video)
- End user interaction is improved like you can refer person with "@" annotation in comment section.
- Ex. @Sagar Vyas
- Document and Media library
Have a happy learning !!
Sagar Vyas